
Bladder weakness

Many women suffer from bladder problems or bladder weakness. After multiple deliveries or with advancing age, bladder problems occur frequently. Women of all ages may be affected.

It can be an unwanted loss of urine during exercise, laughing, sneezing, coughing or other stresses on the pelvic floor (bladder weakness/urinary or stress incontinence) or a constant urge to urinate (irritable bladder/overactive bladder syndrome).

Although the quality of life often deteriorates a lot, women are ashamed of it and do not even dare to address the topic.

For the various diseases and problems we offer you various examinations and then treatment options tailored to your needs.

Urinary incontinence

  • this is a common problem with many women. The symptoms occur primarily through pregnancy, childbirth and with increasing age. This clinical picture often occurs in combination with bladder or uterine subsidence.
  • Symptoms are unintentional loss of urine when laughing, coughing, sneezing, exercising, etc., but in more severe cases this also occurs while sitting or lying down at rest. One then speaks of so-called stress incontinence.
  • In the case of bladder and / or uterine subsidence, a feeling of pressure downwards, incomplete bladder emptying and the resulting repeated bladder infections as well as pelvic pain and digestive problems can occur.
  • Another common clinical picture is the so-called irritable bladder or overactive bladder syndrome. This is characterized by a particularly pronounced need to urinate (with or without loss of urine) and frequent urination, including at night.


  • First and foremost is the precise recording of the medical history (anamnesis), followed by a physical examination and, if necessary, an ultrasound examination
  • We can also offer you a detailed examination of the bladder function (urodynamics) in our practice
  • If necessary, we also carry out a so-called bladder mirror


  • Conservative therapies such as physiotherapy or drug treatment are available
  • We also offer surgical therapies (for example loop surgery, gathering, etc.)


A thin special catheter is inserted into the bladder, which measures the closure of the bladder and urethra. At the same time the bladder can be filled with fluid through the catheter. The introduction of the catheter is made easier with a lubricant. The mucous membrane surface of the urethra is also lightly numbed as a result. Using urodynamics, we can make an initial diagnosis and then start an appropriate treatment taking into account your complaints.


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