anti-Müllerian hormone
Does it make sense to determine the anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH value) in order to assess fertility?
Since it is known that fertility decreases with age, many of our patients want to find out by means of tests when the optimal time for a pregnancy is and whether a pregnancy can be postponed. Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is considered an indicator of female fertility. But what exactly does the AMH indicate and does it make sense to undergo an AMH test?
What does the anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) indicate:
The anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) represents a woman's ovarian reserve, i.e. the amount of egg vesicles. With the onset of puberty, girls produce the AMH in the granulosa cells of the ovaries. A high AMH is an indication that a relatively large amount of growing stimulable egg vesicles is present.
What is a normal value?
What to do with a low anti-Müllerian hormone level?
You don't have to worry about a low AMH value at first. Studies show that pregnancies occur at all AMH levels. The probability of pregnancy depends largely on the quality of the eggs, which correlates with the age of the woman. The quality of the egg is not measurable with blood tests. If the AMH value is very low, it is recommended to plan a pregnancy sooner rather than later. In addition, the chance of becoming pregnant by means of IVF (artificial insemination) may be reduced, which is why IVF may no longer make sense. It should also be noted that when taking the pill, the AMH value may be lower and a decrease in AMH should occur after discontinuation of the pill. The AMH values can also vary between different measurements, which is why it may be advisable to control a very low value. Incidentally, smokers generally have a lower AMH content in the blood, the amount of nicotine not being decisive. It is therefore advisable to completely dispense with smoking.
When is an AMH measurement useful?
The determination of AMH is useful in certain medical questions, for example in the case of suspected premature menopause before the age of 40 (premature ovarian insufficiency), in the case of cycle disorders, damage to the ovaries by chemotherapy or radiation therapy, diseases of the ovaries, e.g. PCO syndrome, or in the case of tumors, and as a prognostic factor for in vitro fertilization. In general, a test of the AMH is not useful and can trigger unnecessary fears in the case of a low value. If you have any questions about your fertility or the possibilities of maintaining fertility (egg freezing), we will be happy to advise you in our fertility consultation hour.