Bettina Haller

Speciality: Certified midwife FH, certified breastfeeding counsellor, complementary therapist specialising in craniosacral therapy (retired)
Centre: Seefeld , Enge
Language: german , english , french , italian

It is my aim to accompany and support each woman/family individually, according to their needs and situation.


Seit 2020 Practical activity at gynhealth GmbH
Seit 2010 Freelance midwifery in the city of Zurich with a focus Outpatient childbeds, breastfeeding advice and childbirth preparation
2010 - 2011 Training to become a dipl. IBCLC lactation consultant
2002 - 2010 Midwife in the delivery room and puerperium at the Bethanien Clinic in Zurich
2000 - 2001 Midwife in the delivery room of the Privatklinik Sonnenhof AG Bern
1997 - 2000 Midwife in the delivery room and puerperium at the Beau-Site Private Clinic in Bern
1996 - 1997 Training to become a dipl. Midwife FH at the University Hospital Zurich
1993 - 1996 Activity as dipl. AKP nurse in Bern and Interlaken
1990 - 1993 Training to become a dipl. AKP nurse in Interlaken


2023 Rectus diastasis course in the preterm bed, SHV, Olten
2020 1001kindernacht course, Sibylle Lüpold, Bern
2016 Recertification of IBCLC certified breastfeeding advisor
2014 - 2015 Training course leader pelvic floor BeBo, Zurich
2010 - 2013 Course leader yoga in pregnancy, Zurich / Bern
2012 Certificate of low-level laser therapy, Simon Keller AG, Dübendorf
2009 Postgraduate training after Pilates for midwives, Zurich
2009 Introduction to craniosacral therapy for midwives (Swiss Midwives Association), Stilli near Brugg
2003 - 2005 Certificate acupuncture in pregnancy-childbirth-puerperium (Dr. Ansgar Römer, Mannheim DE)
2003 Permission to practice independently as a midwife in the Canton of Zurich
1998 Basic course in classical homeopathy for midwives, Dr. Friedrich Graf, DE)

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