Dr. med. Anna Fischer

Speciality: Specialist doctor in gynaecology and obstetrics, FMH
Centre: Enge
Language: german , english , spanish , french

I enjoy treating patients at every stage of life - good human and professional care is very important to me.


Seit 2019 Practical activity at gynhealth AG
2015 - 2019 Resident Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Spital Limmattal, Schlieren (Dr. R. Müller)
2012 Resident Physician at Clinica de la mujer and Maternidad Isidro Ayora, Quito, Ecuador
2010 - 2014 Resident Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. Josefskrankenhaus, Freiburg im Breisgau (Dr. U. Lattermann, Dr. C Jäger)
2010 Resident Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at St. Vincentius-Klinikum, Karlsruhe (Dr. O. Tomé)
2005 - 2006 Study of medicine at University of Murcia, Spain
2002 - 2009 Study of medicine at University of Freiburg im Breisgau


2024 Intensive course II "Getting to the root of issues in pediatric and adolescent gynecology"
2023 Intensive course I "Taking a closer look at pediatric and adolescent gynecology"
2021 Colposcopy Diploma (AGCPC)
2021 Qualification certificate for pregnancy ultrasound
2021 Fetal heart echocardiography advanced and final course, University of Bonn
2019 Course in Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproduktive Medicine (Prof. Dr. med. C. Keck)
2014 Course in Breast Ultrasound (DEGUM)
2013 Diploma of Mountain Medicine (Prof. Dr. med. Peter Bärtsch)
2011 Course in Gynecological Infectiology (Prof. Dr. med. E. Petersen)
2011 - 2014 Basic- and Develop Course in Fetomaternal Doppler Ultrasonography (DEGUM)
2009 Doctoral thesis: ‘Therapy of Condyloma, Vular- and Vaginal Neoplasia with Imiquimod’ University of Freiburg bei Prof. Dr. A. Clad (Original title: ‘Imiquimod zur Therapie von Kondylomen, VIN und VAIN’)

Core competences

– Hormone consultation
– Colposcopy and dysplasia
– Perinatal medicine
– General gynaecology
– Youth gynaecology

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